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Incident 1 a Problem Ad Human Resource Management (HRM)

Incident 1 a Problem Ad Human Resource Management (HRM) Autor, Rose Willey 9 October 2016  Based on, chapter five in the book Human Resource Management, class discussions, and my research, I can say that I can now use the recruitment process and recruitment methods to analyze and answer questions in incident number one in the case study “A Problem Ad.” Questions and Answers 1 - 3: Question 1:  Dorothy overlooked some of the proper recruiting practices, which resulted in an excessive number of unqualified people applying. What are they? Answer 1:  Dorothy Bryant does not give a specific job requirement for the applicants. If she wants the Ad to be more effective, she should list more specific job requirements. She should have specified the education and skill level which is required for the position. Bryant should also not have listed “good appearance” or some other just as an unneeded criterion since that is obvious discrimination and something that should not be do...

What Type of Document Needed to Open an LLC with Del Norte Credit Union Bank in 2018

In 2018, there is three type of documents needed to open an LLC with Del Norte Credit Union Bank in Santa Fe, New Mexico. There is a useful video I use while I tried to start my LLC is called  LLC University . The founder of the LLC University is named  Matt Horwitz . This is the three documents: 1) The completed article filling form. 2) The certificate of organization. 3) The EIN document. This is the three document sample (listed from 1-3) which I brought to the Del Norte Credit Union Bank in Santa Fe, New Mexico 2018. I hope this information is helpful. Please subscribe for more useful information. My name is Rose and I am not an expert, but I would like to share my experience of starting my own small business. Thanks for reading, my name is Rose and we can do it.

HRM Case Study Incident Number Two Downsizing

Rose Smith Abstract This paper is about the International Forest Products company’s downsizing in Ouachita County. The HR director had a meeting with the president, and the president told the HR director that the company must lay off 30 percent of the employees to reduce the cost of the company. According to Human Resource Management, chapter one states that the most an important factor that affects the company is capital. Capital is defined as enabling the company to generate income, increasing company stock price, “economic value,” strong positive brand identity, and a good reputation (Mondy & Martocchio 2016). There are different types of capital including financial capital (cash), equipment capital, and employees who have certain skills, knowledge, and ability in the company are called human capitals.    Although capital is the main factor in HR, there are many more factors which highly interrelated in HRM. As an HR director, he/she also need to consider ...